What Data Tags are Available in the iDonate Giving Form?

Utilize dynamic data sources to configure a Giving Form

Data tags may be used to pass values to data fields in the iDonate embed. Not to be confused with URL parameters, data tags are configured inside the iDonate code snippet.

Data Tag Configures Example Data
data-cache Use cached data when loading Giving Form "false"
data-user_data__first_name Donor first name "first_name"
data-user_data__last_name Donor last name "last_name"
data-user_data__address1 Donor address, line 1 "10292 Hebron Pkwy."
data-user_data__address2 Donor address, line 2 "Suite 202"
data-user_data__city Donor address, city "Plano"
data-user_data__state Donor address, state "TX"
data-user_data__country Donor address, country "US"
data-user_data__phone Donor phone number "2125589963"
data-user_data__zip_code Donor address, ZIP code "90210"
data-user_data__email Donor email "jeff@hotmail.com"
data-designation Designation ID "a4e14c88-6358-4d3b-9cc8-7fd9b572230d"
data-custom_designation Designation ID "a4e14c88-6358-4d3b-9cc8-7fd9b572230d"
data-reference_code Reference code "34rtgg"
data-start_date Recurring schedule start date "2022-06-22"
data-donor_pays_fee Donor Pays Fee active "true"
data-email_opt_in Donor opts in to email "false"
data-payment_type Payment type, e.g. Credit, Google Pay "credit"
data-designations Multiple designations '[{"id":"someId", "amount":99},{"id":"someId", "amount":79}]'
data-custom_gift_amount Custom gift amount "20"
data-gift_arrays Gift amount choices '[["test",11],["test2",22]]'
data-cash_default Default selected amount "120"

Example of a Customized Code Snippet

<div data-idonate-embed="b4cbcf72-3d94-497d-a633-7a763ac5702e" data-user_data__first_name="test"></div>