2.0 Giving Forms and Integrations

Differences between 1.0 and 2.0 Giving Forms' Integrations

When migrating from iDonate 1.0 to iDonate 2.0, some consideration must be given to how differently Integrations interact with Giving Forms.

Summary of Changes

Here is a brief overview of what has changed.  Details of the changes and how they interact with common integrations will be described further along in the article.

Custom Fields

In iDonate 1.0, Custom Notes 1-5 were used to create custom questions/data points.  iDonate 2.0 has replaced these with Custom Field, which will create a unique key-value pair, as opposed to the key always being "Custom Note (Number)".


The changes made to Tributes mostly affect the names of the keys that are being sent.

Thank You Gifts (Premiums)

The available data points have been replaced:

Legacy (1.0) Thank You Gift  Fields 2.0 Thank You Gift Fields
Gift_Name Gift_Definition_Name
Gift_Additional_Info Gift_Definition_Description
Gift_Value Gift_Definition_Fmv
Gift_Sku Gift_Definition_Sku

Details of Integrations

Here are the details of the updates as they pertain to common integrations.


Salesforce: Custom Fields

In iDonate 2.0, Custom Fields do not use the Custom Notes fields that the integration had used previously.  Instead, you will need to map your Custom Field data directly to a designated field for that specific Custom Field.

The iDonate Side of The Mapping Process

The first thing to remember when carrying out this mapping is that the names of the Custom Fields included on the Giving Form must follow a few naming rules.  So, when you are building your Giving Form and adding Custom Fields, keep the following table in mind in regards to special characters:

Good Custom Field Name Error-Prone Custom Field Name
Tshirt size T-Shirt size
Donor Member Donor & Member
Comments Donor "Comments"
referral referral/marketing

Note the lack of special characters (excluding whitespace).  As a rule of thumb, keep the Custom Field names alphanumeric-only.

The Salesforce Side of the Mapping Process

First, you will need to create the Custom Field in your Salesforce Organization's Opportunity Object.  The format that Salesforce will be expecting is consistent: "idonate_fieldname__c".  The API name in Salesforce is not case-sensitive.

So, for example, if your Custom Field on the iDonate Giving Form is named "Tshirt size", the Salesforce counterpart would be "idonate_Tshirt_size__c".  Keep in mind that "__c" is appended to all Custom Fields (Salesforce) that you create, so you will not need to specify that.  Just don't forget the "idonate_field_name" part.


2.0 Custom Field data is not supported in iDonate’s Salesforce v1 integration. Please contact our Support Team for more information about upgrading to the Salesforce v2 integration. 

Salesforce: Tribute Data

Tribute data fields map to the same fields as they originally did.

Salesforce: Giving Forms Thank You Gift Data

Currently, Thank You Gift values in transaction data will not sync.  All other values will sync.  This is an issue that is actively being resolved and will be addressed in an upcoming release.


Virtuous: Giving Form Custom Fields

In iDonate 2.0, the Giving Form Custom Fields will be mapped using the existing Custom Note 1-5 fields within the iDonate Integration.  There is some configuration required to push the Custom Field data to Virtuous:

  • In iDonate, navigate to the Integrations using the Cogwheel menu.
  • Select the Virtuous integration.
  • Select the Custom Fields tab.
  • Select the circle to the left of the Custom Field you wish to configure.
  • Set the Alias to the same name as your Giving Form's Custom Field.
  • In Virtuous, create the Custom Field as a Paragraph type with the same name as your iDonate Custom Field.

12/7/2023:Currently, Thank You Gift (Premiums) values in transaction data will not sync however the remaining transaction data will sync. This is an issue that is actively being resolved and will be addressed in an upcoming release.

Raiser's Edge

The iDonate-Raiser's-Edge integration currently supports all Giving Form data, excluding Custom Fields and Thank You Gifts.  This will be part of an upcoming update.


The iDonate-BBCRM integration currently supports all Giving Form data, excluding Custom Fields and Thank You Gifts.  This will be part of an upcoming update.