Creating a Local Copy of the iDonate SDK

A helpful method for learning the ins and outs of the iDonate SDK.

One of the most useful tools one can use when developing with the iDonate SDK is... The iDonate SDK. While it is true that you can use the iDonate SDK by simply including the script in your HTML, to really understand what's going on, you'll need to create a local copy and take a look under the hood.

Install Node.js

To begin, head over to the official Node.js website, then download and install Node.js. This will allow you to use NPM commands.

Install the iDonate SDK

Once Node.js is installed, open your command line:

  • Windows – Windows Key + R → 'cmd' → Enter
  • MacOS – Command + Space → 'terminal' → Enter

Once your command line is open, copy the install command from the iDonate SDK NPM page and place it into your command line. Press Enter to install the iDonate SDK locally.

Use the Local Copy of the SDK for Reference

Files installed via NPM are located in the directory '/Users/[Your Username]/node_modules', unless you have specified an alternate directory in Node.js.

You can now reference such files as types.ts and idonate-client.ts to gain a better understanding of how the iDonate SDK works.