Virtuous: Donor Fee Processing

Exporting DPF data to external services.

Every system is different, and what works in one doesn’t necessarily work in another. Donor Processing gives you clarity around the way we created transactions and how that data is represented when exported via the exchange.

We’ve added two distinct ways to export your data. Each has approach is different, so we’ll let you decide which way is the “right way” for you.

Standard Processing

Standard Processing handles data the way you’re used to seeing it done in iDonate.

That means a split transaction (a transaction with 2 or more designations) will create:

  • One record for each of the Designations in the transaction
  • One additional transaction which has the fees paid by the donor if they have decided to cover the transaction cost (Donor Pays Fee, or DPF).

This record has no associated Designation by default, and can pose a problem for some CRMs during the export process.

The Solution: Set the Donor Fee Designation – the Designation that will be used when processing donor fees if no Designation is present.

Rollup Processing

Rollup Processing does just that – it rolls up the donor paid fees, so you never see a plus one record.

We’ll calculate the amount of fees that the donor paid towards each Designation and include it in the client_proceeds field before exporting to your CRM, instead of assigning a defualt Donor Fee Designation.

The fees are always calculated and rolled into the transaction. Please refer to the processing chart for more information.

Transaction Table

This table describes the effects of Standard and Rollup processing.

Scenario Processing Type Designations Selected Donor Pays Fees Selected Virtuous Transactions Created Why?
1 Standard 1 Yes 1 Donor fees are always applied to the designation in a single transaction.
2 Standard 1 Yes 1 Donor fees are always applied to the designation in a single transaction.
3 Standard 2 Yes 3 Donor paid fees are created in the third record and assessed against the Donor Fee Designation.
4 Standard 2 Yes 3 Donor paid fees are created in the third record and assessed against the Donor Fee Designation.
5 Rollup 1 Yes 1 Donor fees are always applied to the designation in a single transaction.
6 Rollup 1 Yes 1 Donor fees are always applied to the designation in a single transaction.
7 Rollup 2 Yes 2 Donor fees are calculated and included in the transaction.
8 Rollup 2 Yes 2 Donor fees are calculated and included in the transaction.
9 Rollup & Standard 1 No 1 Donor fees are included in the transaction.