Form Wrapper

SDK component for sourcing HTML form information.

The Form Wrapper is an important helper function that extracts data from a HTML form, and passes it as a JSON object to a specified function.


Accepts a string and a function as arguments.

  • formId – The ID of the HTML form.
  • func – The name of the function you want to pass the form data to.
//Helper method to extract a JS object from a DOM form
function wrapForm(formId, func) {

     let form = document.getElementById(formId);

     form.onsubmit = function (event) {
          const formData = {};

          for (let i = 0; i < form.elements.length; ++i) {
               if (form.elements[i].name) {
                     let root = formData;
                     const path = form.elements[i].name.split('-');
                     const value = form.elements[i].value;

                     path.slice(undefined, -1).forEach(function (key) {
                          if (root[key] === undefined) {
                              root[key] = {};

                         root = root[key];

                     //Assign value to leaf
                    root[path[path.length - 1]] = value;

          //Call func with unpacked formData