The Fundraiser Hub

Manage your P2P presence.

The Fundraising Hub offers an overview of activity for a particular fundraiser page, as well as options to reach out to donors or export a donor list.

The Fundraising Hub

Individual fundraisers have the ability to access the Fundraising Hub.

  • Contact Organization – Brings up an interface that allows you to contact the organization that created the P2P Program.
  • Share Your Page – Allows you to share your fundraiser page via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or URL.
  • Edit Goal – Lets you change the dollar-amount goal of the fundraiser.
  • Edit Page – Takes you to the edit interface for your fundraiser page.
  • View Page – Takes you to your fundraiser page.
  • Invite more donors – See Share Your Page.
  • Download donor list – Exports an Excel file reflecting all donors included in your fundraiser.

The Donor List

Selecting Donor List will bring up a table listing all donors that have made donations through your fundraiser page.