The Fundraiser Page

The point of contact for Peer to Peer fundraising.

The Fundraiser Page is what potential Peer to Peer participants see.  It allows individuals to donate funds to a P2P program, and invites them to join in as well.

The Fundraiser Page

The Fundraiser Page is comprised of the following key features.

  • Share – Allows you to share your page via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or URL.
  • Your Fundraiser Hub – Takes you to your Fundraiser Hub.
  • Donate – Make a donation to the fundraiser.
  • Become a Fundraiser – Become a fundraiser within the P2P program.
  • Meet the Fundraiser – A paragraph for introducing the fundraiser and their cause.
  • Latest Update from the Fundraiser – Updates from the fundraiser, designed to keep in contact with donors and page visitors.
  • Donations – A list of donations and their pertinent details.

Creating a New Fundraiser Page

From the Program Page, select Become a Fundraiser, then select As an Individual. This will bring up the Fundraiser Page Creation interface (pictured below), which is comprised of the following features.

  • Poster Upload – Upload an image or video that will be displayed at the top of your Fundraiser Page.
  • Profile Image – An image of the Fundraiser.
  • Fundraiser Title – The name of the fundraiser.
  • Created By – The name of the individual fundraiser.
  • Fundraiser Goal – The dollar amount goal of the fundraiser.
  • Edit Fundraiser Description – A rich text editor that allows you to create a customized introduction paragraph.
  • Preview – The panel to the right of the editing interface is updated in real-time to reflect what page visitors will see.