The Main Program Page

Where the P2P journey begins.

When using iDonate P2P, the first page prospective donors and fundraisers will see is the Program Page. This page includes summaries of the P2P program's activity, as well as options to contribute to or join the program.

You can customize the images, fundraising goals, language, colors, and more! To learn more about how to set up a program page, see Creating and Editing a Peer-to-Peer Program.

The Program Page

The Program Page is made up of the following components.

  • Donate Now – Allows site visitors to donate directly to the program rather than an individual fundraiser or team.
  • Become a Fundraiser – Allows site visitors to create their own P2P Fundraising page.
  • Activity Summary – Shows the progress of the program. Dollar amount raised versus goal amount, individual donations, number of teams, and number of individual fundraisers.
  • Program Description – A brief description of the program's purpose.
  • Fundraisers – Lists the individual fundraisers and teams involved with the program, as well as their progress. Has the option to search by individual or team name.
  • Sponsors – Displays the logos of program sponsors, if any.