Creating and Editing a New P2P Program

Everything starts somewhere.

Your supporters are your best advocates – empower them to become fundraising partners that help you increase awareness, find new donors, and raise more funds.

Simple, purpose-built tools give your advocates the ability to build their campaign, make edits, thank supporters, chat with the organization, and keep track of their progress.

Note: In the P2P fundraising context, "fundraiser" refers to the person raising the funds rather than the overall fundraising effort, which is called the "program".

Page 1: Details

On the first page, enter the most basic information, such as the name and description of the

fundraising program.

  • Program Details – This is where you enter the basic information for your new P2P campaign. Here, you enter the name of the program, as well as the Program URL, the Campaign and Designation to which the new P2P program will be a part of.
    There is the option to Lock Designation, which will make it so donors can only give to a single designation.
  • Date & Time – By default, only the start date is set. But, by toggling the End Date switch, you can also set an end date for the P2P program. You can set the Timezone, as wellas No.of Days Left (Countdown), which will display the start and end date of the program on the main program page.
  • Program Description – This is where you can enter the P2P program's description, or toggle the Fundraiser page inherits Program Details switch to have the program inherit the description from the parent campaign.
  • Fundraising Goals (optional) – This is the option to set the financial goal of this fundraising program and the Individual Fundraising Goals.
  • Allow Teams (optional) – To allow team fundraising, toggle the Allow Teams switch. You then have the option of setting Team Fundraising Goals.

Page 2: Design

On the Design page, the visual appearance of the program page can be customized.

  • Logo – Upload your brand's logo to be displayed on the program page.
  • Poster Image – Upload the main image or video that will greet potential donors when they reach the program's page.
  • Brand Colors – Set the PrimarySecondary, and Button colors by either entering the hexadecimal value manually, or using the color picker by clicking a color.
  • Show Top Fundraisers – To show the leaderboard for fundraisers within the program, toggle the Show Top Fundraisers switch.

Page 3: Payment Embeds

On the third page, payment options can be configured.

  • Payment Types – You can set which methods of payment the program will accept.
  • Frequency Options – You can give donors the option to donate on a recurring basis, as well as show or hide the start date of the recurring donation.
  • Keep My Donation Anonymous (optional) – Allow donors to choose whether or not their name is displayed on the fundraiser's page.
  • Donation Amount (optional) – You can set a suggested donation amount or amounts for the donation interface to display. To add an amount, select the green + icon next to the rightmost text field. To remove it, select the - instead.
    To give donors the option of donating a custom amount, toggle the Add Custom Amount switch.
  • Default Donation Amount (optional) – You can use one of the suggested donation amounts set above as the default value for donors to choose.
    This is also where Donor Pays Fees is enabled. You can set a custom call-to-action message using the Donor Pays Fees Message field.

    Donor Pays Fees can be set as the default option by toggling the Donor Pays Fee Default switch.
    To include this option across all fundraiser pages in the program, toggle the Include Donor Pays Fees on all this program's pages switch.
  • Allow Donations to Program (optional) – This will allow the donor to decide to donate to the program as a whole rather than the individual fundraiser.

Page 4: Program Participants

The Program Participants page allows you to customize the appearance of individual fundraisers' pages.

  • Default Page Content – This is where the appearance of the fundraiser's page is configured. To add a default custom header/greeter image, you can use the Fundraiser Poster Media section to upload an image or video from your computer, and the Fundraiser Profile Image to upload a default profile image.

    Below that, you can use the About Fundraiser section to enter a default description of the page. You can give fundraisers the option to set their own fundraising goal, change their header/greeter image, and the description of the page by configuring Fundraiser Options.

  • Team Page Content – If teams are enabled for the program, you can configure team pages using the same methods listed above.

Page 5: Communication & Sharing

Consistent and meaningful contact has shown to increase success in fundraising. You can configure and customize the automated emails fundraisers receive here.

  • Nurturing – This section houses all the available options for recurring email. Emails can be enabled or disabled, and their messages and subject lines customized by selecting the pencil icon next to each entry.

Page 6: Sponsors

Creating sponsorship tiers can incentivize sponsors to give in greater amounts. In the pictured example, we have defined two tiers: Bronze and Silver.

To have a sponsor's logo displayed on the web page, select the downward-facing arrow at the right side of the tier to expand the entry. Then, enter the sponsor's name and website, and upload their logo using the interface pictured here.

The monetary amounts that mark the different tiers are set by the organization conducting the program, and these amounts do not exist as a data field in iDonate P2P.