The Events Dashboard

An Overview of an Event's Performance

The iDonate Events Dashboard offers an summary of event activity. Accessing the different sections of the dashboard will allow further viewing and editing of details.

The Event Channel

From the Campaign Overview, mouse over the Event Channel you wish to see statistics for, then select  Overview.

Sales Report

The Sales Report section displays a summary of activity for a specific event.

In addition to viewing this high-level performance report, the Sales Report section includes these options:

  • Download List - Downloads a spreadhseet file of the event's data.
  • Create Report - Schedules a regular report to send to a specified email address.



The Orders section allows you to see the transactional data associated with the event, such as tickets purchased and donations made.

The table also features two other options:

  • Download List - Downloads a spreadsheet of the data presented on the Orders List table.
  • Search - Search for records containing certain text.

Additional actions such as refund can be accessed by selecting the pencil icon to the right of the order entry.

Learn how to refund orders.

Guest List

This section contains the list of registered guests. You can check in guests to an event by selecting the checkbox to the right of the guest's entry.

The Guest List is downloadable in .XLS or .CSV format by selecting Download List.

To edit a guests's information, e.g. Name and Address, select the pencil icon to the right of the guest entry.

To configure which columns to include on the Guest List table, select Table Options.


Promotional codes for the event's tickets can be configured here.

Read more about configuring promotions and complimentary tickets.

Email Updates

You can communicate to all registered guests via email using this interface.

Read more about promotional email best practices.