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The essentials

What is a donation page?

Start converting more donors with our guide to donation pages.

Optimizing donation page load time

Slow donation page load times got you down? This guide is for you.

PCI compliance for nonprofits

A crash course in PCI compliance for your nonprofit.


Digital Fundraising Resources

1 min read

Brand Consistency

Brand Consistency

When a brand is consistent in how it looks; the message it conveys; how it makes people feel; and what it delivers day in and day out; people know what to expect and how to engage. When people know what to expect, they begin to trust. For a Connected Giving org, trust-building lays the foundation that makes the connection feasible. Without trust, there is no connection.

What Makes a Consistent Brand?

A consistent brand representation means that no matter where the donor finds your nonprofit, it looks, feels, sounds, and works the same way.


Why is Brand Consistency Important?

People trust brands they recognize and know. Trust plays a key role in the purchasing decisions people make and the decision to share with their friends.

  • Consistent brand representation across all platforms increases revenue by 23%. (Lucidpress, 2019)
  • It takes 5 to 7 impressions for a person to remember a brand. (SmallBiz)
  • 90% of consumers expect to have a similar experience with a brand across platforms. (TailorBrand)

Contact the iDonate team at for more information on how your organization can become a Connected Giving org.

Start With the Donor, Not the Database

Start With the Donor, Not the Database

The future of giving starts with connecting your fundraising strategies where it matters most—within the systems that are donor-facing.

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The Future of Giving Starts with iDonate

The Future of Giving Starts with iDonate

The future of giving starts with iDonate’s Connected Giving platform.

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Modernize Donor Giving Experiences to Increase Conversion Rates

Modernize Donor Giving Experiences to Increase Conversion Rates

The future of giving is a world where online donation is easy. If your storefront is old and run-down, it may be repelling the very donors you want...

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