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The essentials

What is a donation page?

Start converting more donors with our guide to donation pages.

Optimizing donation page load time

Slow donation page load times got you down? This guide is for you.

PCI compliance for nonprofits

A crash course in PCI compliance for your nonprofit.


Digital Fundraising Resources

1 min read

Let's Get Connected

Let's Get Connected

Welcome to the first issue of our magazine, Connected Giving. We’re thrilled to bring Connected Giving to you each month, highlighting some of our great customers, innovative ideas, fundraising techniques, and new things from iDonate. Our customers are doing some amazing work and we felt this would be a great way to highlight them and the change they’re making in our world.

You may wonder where the name Connected Giving comes from…‘Connected Giving’ is a term we use around iDonate to discuss how we help nonprofits build donors for life. It’s an all-encompassing solution for the continual problem of donors giving once, or maybe even a few times, but unfortunately never returning for ongoing support. iDonate’s DNA is to equip organizations for long-term donor relationships, not short-term transactions. We believe the key to this is creating great giving experiences that are donor-centric, personal, relevant, and consistent with your brand at every touchpoint. We’ll discuss the CRM and other nonprofit technology, how your donor relationships are won or lost at the point of giving, and how you nurture that relationship moving forward. Applying these principles into a holistic donor strategy is what we call Connected Giving. 

We’ve dedicated this magazine to discussing these principles and how iDonate helps nonprofits become Connected Giving Organizations. We’ll showcase how our customers apply Connected Giving, analyze their techniques, and encourage you with their incredible results.

Thank you for taking the time to read this issue of Connected Giving. Reach out and let us know how we can make the magazine even more valuable for you.

Let’s get connected.

Rays Signature


Common Thread: A Legacy of Service

Common Thread: A Legacy of Service

Welcome to another edition of Connected Giving. We love showcasing the incredible work of our customers and we’re excited about the response this...

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Six Connected Giving Principles

Six Connected Giving Principles

The cost of attracting new donors is expensive. Despite the widespread emphasis on attracting new donors, the most valuable part of an interaction...

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Cultivating Donor Loyalty

Cultivating Donor Loyalty

Thank you for taking a look at our third issue of Connected Giving. We’ve received tremendous response to this magazine, and we’ll continue to enrich...

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