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The essentials

What is a donation page?

Start converting more donors with our guide to donation pages.

Optimizing donation page load time

Slow donation page load times got you down? This guide is for you.

PCI compliance for nonprofits

A crash course in PCI compliance for your nonprofit.


Digital Fundraising Resources

1 min read

Taking Stock and Looking Forward

Taking Stock and Looking Forward

‘Tis the giving season! While this is often the busiest time of year for many nonprofit marketers and fundraisers, it is also a favorite time of year for me. It’s a time to recognize all the hard work of crafting campaigns and messages, and a time for generosity to flow.

Here are a few things I am most excited about as we look forward to the giving season and make predictions about what 2022 will look like for digital fundraising.

1. Events are returning

Based on conversations with many of our clients, it appears that events are coming back! Will this mean the end of Zoom events? Likely no, but people are missing the connection of gathering in-person and more events are in the works. 

2. Increased focus on Peer-to-Peer (P2P)

More organizations are adopting peer-to-peer fundraising as a regular strategy to engage new audiences and networks. I’m most excited to hear about organizations using this approach to create some healthy competition among board members; to drive their Giving Tuesday efforts; and (at universities and colleges) to run their athletic campaigns. P2P is here to stay.

3. Focus on donor experience

This one is near and dear to my heart. Organizations are starting to talk about the donor experience first, data second. (Hip hip hooray!) This is music to my ears. We are hearing more about how to streamline and focus the donor experience, and less about how to get data into the CRM for reporting purposes. 

I look forward to seeing what creative things our clients and partners are up to
this giving season. 

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Have You Seen Your Website Lately?

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Do Finance Right

Beyond your mission statement and the events you hold in your community, finance is the hidden part of every nonprofit. It’s the component that not...

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Fix Your Leaky Pipes

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