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6 reasons you aren’t getting more donors

6 reasons you aren’t getting more donors

Problem #1: You don’t think like Bezos

Amazon’s one-click purchasing platform has trained customers to desire and expect simplicity and speed in online transactions of all kinds, including donations to nonprofits. If your donors have to shuffle through multiple frustrating online forms and be directed to third-party sites to complete their gifts, they’re experiencing more complication and anxiety than necessary when donating.

Solution #1: Keep people on your site during the donation process

Mobile For Good found that donors gave six times more money to nonprofits with embedded donation forms on their website. By integrating forms directly into your online presence, you reduce the friction that leads to donation abandonment. 

Problem #2: They want flexible ways to give

Only 10% of your donor’s wealth is in cash. The other 90% sits in tangible, noncash items like cars, homes and jewelry. Your donors want to give these but lack the opportunity.

Solution #2: Offer more giving options

Work with a donation platform like iDonate that makes it easy for your organization to include a broad set of options in your donation platform beyond cash, like high-value jewelry, collectibles, boats, cars and even stock options. All the details are handled by iDonate!

Problem #3: You’re not in their line of view

Many people don’t keep donating top of mind until they receive a deliberate call to action. If you’re not where they are, they may not think of you. If an actionable message or call to action catches their attention—yours or another organization’s—donors will often respond with an impulse gift. How can you make sure it’s yours?

Solution #3: Stay in touch through a variety of channels and connect your communications to a donation form

With a simple donation form baked right into your donor communications, donors can give as soon as they open your email, while the impulse is high. A great giving experience across your communications leaves a good impression that helps ensure future gifts.

Problem #4: They don’t know where their donation is going

Donors frequently ponder this notion before making a contribution. Will their money be used wisely? How can they know where it’s actually going? Today’s donors want an unprecedented level of control and transparency into the causes they support.

Solution #4: Communicate impact

To include donors as an integral part of your donation story, use giving software that includes impact equations that spell out what their donation will actually provide. “$10 feeds three children” warms hearts far more than a simple “submit” button at the end of a donation form.

Additionally, make sure that some of your communications are simply thank you’s or updates about campaigns and goals and not always a donation appeal. (Even then, always include a link for donating.) 

Problem #5: In a multi-channel world, your platform doesn’t stand out (or it stands out in the wrong way)

Donors are sophisticated. From a technology perspective, you’re not just competing with other nonprofits, you’re competing with all their other online experiences. Consumers want a modern, clutter-free, clean interface that doesn’t give them any hassles.

Solution #5: Deploy consistent donation software designed for the ultimate ease of giving

When donors already experience the daily barrage of clutter from across numerous channels, reaching them where they are with an integrated solution that is a pleasure to use is key to attracting new sources of donation.

Problem #6: You don’t seem to know your donors

Donors don’t want to feel like ATM machines. Research indicates that 80% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase when brands offer personalized experiences (Epsilon). When a donor shares their information with you, they expect communications from you to be personalized.

Solution #6: Call them by their names

Tailoring your pre- and post-donation communications to each donor helps to make them feel appreciated. The right solution makes it easy to send correspondence using their names. Also, call donors whenever possible to thank them for their generosity.

Understanding the unique preferences of donors and how to target them personally is a necessity for retaining current and attracting new supporters. Your donation software should empower this process, not hinder it.

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