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The essentials

What is a donation page?

Start converting more donors with our guide to donation pages.

Optimizing donation page load time

Slow donation page load times got you down? This guide is for you.

PCI compliance for nonprofits

A crash course in PCI compliance for your nonprofit.


Digital Fundraising Resources

The future of giving is Connected.

The cost of attracting donors is high. Despite the widespread emphasis on gaining new donors, the most valuable touchpoint with a donor is their second gift.

One-time donations are costing you.

This isn’t about getting your donor to give more once. It’s about getting them to stay. Donor retention is at its lowest point in 3 years and is expected to continue dropping.


For every $1 donated, it costs $.50 - $1.50 to attract new donors.


For every 100 new donors, organizations are losing up to 80%.


For every $100 gained, today’s nonprofits churn $96 revenue.

Only 23% of first-time donors ever give a second gift.

The cost to continually acquire new donors can easily run 50% to 100% more than the dollars collected from them.



Cultivate donor relationships

There’s a way to keep donors year after year.

Donor retention continues to decline, creating a continual donor acquisition treadmill for organizations. But you can create a thoughtful, transparent experience that encourages opportunities for second and third gifts, dramatically improving retention and trust.


The most successful nonprofits

see their donors as long-term collaborators.

They invest in cultivating genuine and authentic relationships with those donors over time. This results in higher yearly giving, higher retention rates, and low donor churn.

Cultivate lasting donor relationships

6 Connected Giving Principles

Donor Centric

The goal should never begin with chasing the largest one-time gift. From vision to execution, every decision is made with the donor benefit in mind.


Alignment & Accessibility

When a nonprofit org starts with a donor-centric mindset, it influences the alignment of the operational teams and the tools donors use to engage and transact.

Brand Consistency

Consistent branding across all in-person and virtual touchpoints is a top priority. Alignment in brand style, voice and tone is a powerful differentiator.

Clear & Proactive

Anticipate donor needs and proactively offer insights before the donor is asked. This approach engenders donor trust, and promotes ongoing engagement.

Intentional & Relevant

Carefully select touch points already integrated into the donor’s everyday lifestyle. Provide relevant content delivered in a timely and accessible way.

Personalized Experiences

Focus on personalizing experiences so donors feel seen in every interaction and they know their gift is impactful, more like lifelong friends and less like acquaintances.

Find out how your organization can become a Connected Giving Org.

Let's Talk

We attribute our growth in online donations to the fact that with iDonate we can easily run specific, personalized giving campaigns that our alumni can connect to.
David Ritchie
Director of Information Services, Jefferson University
We've seen our donations double in the first two months of using iDonate.
Forest Pickett
Director of Development, OBU
In just two months we've already seen a 20% increase of first-time givers. We've seen tremendous results.
John Whitaker
Executive Director, Midwest Food Bank