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What is a donation page?

Start converting more donors with our guide to donation pages.

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Donor Experience

Woman smiling with iphone and tech apps around her

5 min read

7 Ways the Next Generation of Giving Will Look Dramatically Different

The challenges today’s nonprofit leaders face are well documented — from the persistent hurdles to acquiring new donors to issues of retention....

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group of kids smiling toward the camera

2 min read

Want to Motivate Donors? Show Them Results

There’s at least one thing we know for sure about the human brain. Our reactions and choices are heavily influenced by our basic needs for food,...

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volunteers passing out water bottles outdoors at a shelter

2 min read

Donors Want to Feel Connected

The busier and more crowded our lives become, the greater the gap between what remains important to us and all the other things seeking our...

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two young women sitting and watching a video on a phone

3 min read

The Importance of Plugging into the Donor Lifecycle

On a daily basis, we all see how businesses in the for-profit world build relationships with consumers by addressing the interests, lifestyles, and...

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woman smiling while holding a phone

2 min read

Why Should NPOs be Donor-Centric?

While it may not be “news,” recent data on giving in America paints a troubling and persistent trend. Reports show that fewer than half of American...

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woman standing outside looking at her phone

4 min read

How Can We Break Out From the 2% Dilemma?

Nonprofits have had little success solving the so-called “2% dilemma.” As you see in the graphic below, the total amount of giving in the U.S. has...

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people working around a table on their phones and computers

4 min read

Break Through With an Experimentation Mindset

In the for-profit world, businesses of all kinds, in virtually every industry, know that the only way to create relationships that lead to long-term...

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football coach drawing up a play on a whiteboard

2 min read

What Is a Nonprofit Fundraising Playbook? 3 Truths To Know

You may have heard a famous quote that says, “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” In layman’s terms, if you don’t have a plan, your chances of...

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digital fundraising platform from idonate screenshot

3 min read

iDonate 2.0: Make Giving Simpler for Your Organization

Giving needs to be simple for the donor, and management of the giving process needs to be simple for the organization. Like most things,...

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a woman sitting on her couch while working on her computer

2 min read

How Are You Using Your Data?

No one would set off on a vacation to someplace they know nothing about without first doing some research. Otherwise, they risk squandering their...

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a man and a woman laughing while working together

3 min read

Investing in the Donor Experience is More Important Than Ever

Evidence supporting the critical importance of investing in the donor experience has never been more apparent. Most NPOs, however, are not acting on...

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man using his tablet in a park

2 min read

Does Your Donor Experience Meet Donor Expectations?

Donors are consumers first. As consumers, they receive a steady stream of marketing and sales messages, not all of which grab their attention. The...

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three friends talking and laughing together in a park

2 min read

Nonprofits Can Learn to Embrace Strategic Fundraising Plays

If there’s one hurdle the majority of nonprofit organizations (NPOs) continue to struggle with, it’s the persistent absence of a comprehensive...

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woman smiling and sitting on the couch browsing online

3 min read

What Does Being Donor Centric Mean? How to Maximize Online Donations

Donor centricity is the principle that is first in line for building a Connected Giving experience. Your end goal is to increase online donations....

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person typing in credit card info on a computer for a donation

Does your Donation Platform Scare Away Major Donors?

Bill High, Executive Chairman & Founder of The Signatry: A Global Christian Foundation, gives insight into what he looks for in a nonprofit’s...

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man standing in front of window and post it notes thinking

2 min read

6 reasons you aren’t getting more donors

Problem #1: You don’t think like Bezos Amazon’s one-click purchasing platform has trained customers to desire and expect simplicity and speed in...

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two men working together on a computer

2 min read

6 Questions To Optimize Your Online Fundraising

Does my donation page give donors opportunities to leave the page? Donors are already inundated with their own distractions online: news constantly...

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