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What is a donation page?

Start converting more donors with our guide to donation pages.

Optimizing donation page load time

Slow donation page load times got you down? This guide is for you.

PCI compliance for nonprofits

A crash course in PCI compliance for your nonprofit.


Digital Fundraising Resources

Digital Fundraising Blog

Digital Giving

2 min read

Enhancing Generosity: Key Elements to Incorporate in a Giving Form

Giving forms play a crucial role in facilitating donations and philanthropic endeavors. They serve as the bridge between individuals who wish to...

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Giving Tuesday Gift Matching

3 min read

Marketing Matching Gifts Ahead of Giving Tuesday

Marketing Matching Gifts Ahead of Giving Tuesday More than likely, your organization is already gearing up for a successful Giving Tuesday campaign...

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Woman smiling with iphone and tech apps around her

5 min read

7 Ways the Next Generation of Giving Will Look Dramatically Different

The challenges today’s nonprofit leaders face are well documented — from the persistent hurdles to acquiring new donors to issues of retention....

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animated illustration showing different generations and ethnicities of people

5 min read

Next Generation of Generational Giving: Who Gives the Most and Why

Every generation of people has a story. Each age group has lived through many different and same events. Whatever those are, they all come away with...

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person holding a phone screen displaying social media fundraising app icons

6 min read

Your Guide to Social Media Fundraising for Nonprofits

Social media for nonprofits is a vital part of any fundraising strategy. It’s not only a great way to spread awareness about your cause, but also...

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two young women sitting and watching a video on a phone

3 min read

The Importance of Plugging into the Donor Lifecycle

On a daily basis, we all see how businesses in the for-profit world build relationships with consumers by addressing the interests, lifestyles, and...

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millennials working together around a table

3 min read

Why Younger Donors Aren’t Donating Their “Stuff”

We all know the importance (and difficulty) of connecting with younger donors, but there might be some very simple things your organization can do to...

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woman smiling while holding a phone

2 min read

Why Should NPOs be Donor-Centric?

While it may not be “news,” recent data on giving in America paints a troubling and persistent trend. Reports show that fewer than half of American...

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football coach drawing up a play on a whiteboard

2 min read

What Is a Nonprofit Fundraising Playbook? 3 Truths To Know

You may have heard a famous quote that says, “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” In layman’s terms, if you don’t have a plan, your chances of...

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digital fundraising platform from idonate screenshot

3 min read

iDonate 2.0: Make Giving Simpler for Your Organization

Giving needs to be simple for the donor, and management of the giving process needs to be simple for the organization. Like most things,...

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young black woman donating money on her phone

2 min read

What a Comprehensive Giving Platform Means for Your Nonprofit

Today’s donors expect more. When they choose to give online, they expect simplicity, transparency, and security. When your giving platform checks...

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a digital giving platform built for large nonprofits from idonate

1 min read

What Kind of Digital Giving Platform Is Best for Large Nonprofits?

As a large nonprofit, you probably have a lot on your plate.

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group volunteering for giving tuesday and in 2022

2 min read

Giving Tuesday Rewind: What Is Ahead for 2022?

The calendar has turned over another year, and that means new opportunities for giving and building relationships with your donors.

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man standing in front of window and post it notes thinking

2 min read

6 reasons you aren’t getting more donors

Problem #1: You don’t think like Bezos Amazon’s one-click purchasing platform has trained customers to desire and expect simplicity and speed in...

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two men working together on a computer

2 min read

6 Questions To Optimize Your Online Fundraising

Does my donation page give donors opportunities to leave the page? Donors are already inundated with their own distractions online: news constantly...

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